The Business


About Business:- 

                                                                               Article by : Infinity.Info

What Is meant by  Business :- 

Business is the activity of making one's living or making money by producing or buying and selling products (such as goods and services). A business is defined as an organization of  enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities. 

Having a business name does not separate the business entity from the owner, which means that the owner of the business is responsible and liable for debts incurred by the business. If the business acquires debts, the creditors can go after the owner's personal possessions.

 A business structure does not allow for corporate tax rates. The proprietor is personally taxed on all income from the business. The term is also often used colloquially (but not by lawyers or by public officials) to refer to a companyThe term "business" also refers to the organized efforts and activities of individuals to produce and sell goods and services for profit. 

Businesses range in scale from a sole proprietorship to an international corporation.  A company, on the other hand, is a separate legal entity and provides for limited liability, as well as corporate tax rates. A company structure is more complicated and expensive to set up, but offers more protection and benefits for the owner.


Generally, a business begins with a business concept (the idea) and a name. Depending on the nature of the business, extensive market research may be necessary to determine whether turning the idea into a business is feasible and if the business can deliver value to consumers. 

  • A business is defined as an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.
  • Businesses can be for-profit entities or non-profit organizations.
  • Businesses can range from small operations operating in one industry to large operations operating in many industries around the world.

Business Quotes : 

“Every problem is a gift—without problems we would not grow."

– : Anthony Robbins 

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage continue that counts.” 

 – :  Winston Churchill.

“Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right!” 

“You have to be burning with an idea, or a problem, or a wrong that you want to right. If you're not passionate enough from the start, you'll never stick it out.”

“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”

“Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision.”

“When climbing the ladder it is very easy to kick those below, but one must not forget that you cannot stay at the top forever. The higher you go, the longer is the fall.”

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